Information Center

We are living in the world of science and technology. Science and technology drives innovation and enhance quality of life.

Our expertise in public health and epidemiology is innovative to help us move from empathy, social and cultural perspectives, and evidence-based into action. This is the next level of public health and epidemiologic efforts to achieve social justice, enhanced public health practices, and improved quality of life for all.

Resilience Coalitions Goals

  • Establish mutual partnerships with local, state, regional, national, and international organizations to promote action-driven opportunities to address unmet public health and community needs
  • Develop innovative and evidence-based solutions to public health problems (integrated solutions)
  • Mitigate the downstream, midstream, and upstream risk factors to public health and epidemiological problems including social determinants of health using evidence-based approaches
  • Increase awareness of chronic condition and infectious disease prevention and management in underserved communities
  • Promote cultural perspectives to advance quality health care and community-driven engagements to improve population quality of life
  • Promote healthy nutrition and environment
  • Promote capacity building, economic growth, and resource sustainability